The Korean Meteorological Society


Publisher : Korean Meteorological Society
Content Type : Journal
Frequency : Quarterly (February, May, August, November)
ISSN : 1598-3560(Print) / 2288-3266(Online)

Atmosphere-Korea is a qualified journal listed in Korea Citation Index (KCI) and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). Atmosphere-Korea is published bi-monthly in February, May, August and November and publishes original research articles, research/technical notes, reviews and communications. Atmosphere-Korea welcomes all topics of interest related to atmospheric sciences. Publication in Korean enables Korean readers to better comprehend key content, thereby enhancing their understanding of the subject matter. This accessibility ensures that not only meteorologists, but also scientists, engineers, policymakers, educators and journalists from various fields in South Korea take a keen interest in the journal's findings.


Current Issue

Volume 34(3); August 2024